John Essman and Kathleen Palmer operate their business, Sonoma CONNECTION, within the context of community.We are proud to live and work in Healdsburg, California, in beautiful Sonoma County.
We are members and/or volunteers of several local organizations:
Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce & Visitors BureauJohn Essman & Kathleen Palmer both serve as Chamber Ambassadors and photograph the Chamber's business mixers. John was honored to be selected as Ambassador Volunteer of the Year for 2002. In 2003, Sonoma CONNECTION did a Search Engine Optimization project for the Chamber, which resulted in steadily rising activity on their website. |
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Mark West Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitors CenterSonoma CONNECTION has been a member of the Mark West Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center since 2003, when they were hired to update the Chamber's website. John Essman & Kathleen Palmer both serve as Chamber Ambassadors. Kathleen served on the Chamber Board of Directors as Publicity VP for 4 years, and John was elected as Treasurer in 2008. They were honored to be selected (as a team) as Director of the Year for 2010-2011 and 2005-2006 and Volunteers of the Year for 2009-2010.Throughout their years with the Chamber, John has photographed the Chamber’s monthly socials. Kathleen keeps their website up-to-date and edits their newsletter, The LARK. In 2007, Sonoma CONNECTION built an online membership database for the Chamber. |
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Pacific Coast Air Museum and the Wings Over Wine Country Air ShowSonoma CONNECTION was delighted to work with the Museum and Air Show to update their websites & get them active in Social Media. We are proud to be |
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Russian RiverkeeperJohn and Kathleen have volunteered with Don McEnhill, the Russian Riverkeeper, since 2003.Each year during the first rainstorm, volunteers across Sonoma County go out in the rain to gather water samples from local creeks for the Russian River First Flush. These samples are analyzed to determine the types of natural and chemical pollutants that find their way into the Russian River from urban runoff. John and Kathleen sample Foss Creek in Healdsburg. They have also helped with the lab work. John and Kathleen also volunteer on the Foss Creek Committee, which was formed to help restore and maintain our local creek. Activities include a forum on Foss Creek's history and status, and annual clean-up days to pull trash out of the creek. |
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Community Climate Action Plan for Sonoma CountyThe Community Climate Action Plan for Sonoma County, led by the Climate Protection Campaign, is the third step in a five-step program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout all of Sonoma County. The program is being followed by all nine Sonoma cities, the County and the Water Agency. John Essman serves as the Community Representative & Kathleen Palmer serves as the Business Representative, both for Healdsburg, California. |
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Raven PlayersSonoma CONNECTION developed the graphics, website, marketing and publicity to launch the Raven Players, the resident theater group of the Raven Theater in Healdsburg, California, in 2005 and reprised their roles in 2006. They also did cast headshots, set and performance photography, and videotaped, edited and produced performance DVDs for the cast.They also worked with JoAnna Noble, director of the play Dracula-La, which was written in 1976 by Sonoma County authors. |
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Access HealdsburgKathleen & John were founding members of Access Healdsburg, Community Television for Northern Sonoma County, Cable Channels 26 & 27. They are currently production consultants for Talk Sonoma, a local talk show starring Pete Foppiano. They have also produced several shows featuring the Raven Players. Kathleen served on the station's Board of Directors from October 2001 until 2005, and served as Secretary and chair of the Fundraising/Marketing/PR Committees. In 2010, Access Healdsburg recreated itself as |
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